Getting Started With Your New Orthotics
Your health professional has designed your custom foot orthotics to help improve your foot alignment and biomechanical function.
The following information covers proper use, care and accommodation to the changes that occur with orthotic use.
Each individual will accommodate to orthotic use at a different rate. Factors affecting this rate include; type of injury or deformity, age, weight, pressure sensitivity, amount of orthotic correction and specific activity use.
Some individuals may require adjustments to their orthotics while others may not.
There are two basic reasons we may need to see you again. One is that you are having difficulty getting used to the orthotics. The other is that your symptoms are persisting.
Please follow any supplementary instructions your health professional has provided in addition to those in this brochure.
Break-In Procedure
Initially wear your orthotics as long as they feel comfortable. This can be as short as one hour or as long as the entire day.
Patients with Diabetes or those having compromised circulation and sensation in their feet should check their feet after each use of the orthotic for pressure points or shoe rubbing.
Use your orthotics in the footwear they were fabricated and recommended for.
Ensure your orthotics sit level in your shoes. If you are having difficulty fitting the orthotics into new shoes or shoes not brought to the fitting, you should book a follow-up appointment.
Properly fitting footwear is essential for proper orthotic function and healthy feet.
You should be able to wear your orthotics full-time by the end of 2 weeks. If this is not the case you should book a follow-up appointment.
Warranty Information
· These Orthotics are warranted against breakage or premature wear for one year from their fitting date.
Soft components such as cushioned covers may require yearly refurbishment or replacement to ensure proper function and comfort. This maintenance is critical for diabetic patients, with charges on an individual basis.
The average “lifespan” of an orthotic shell varies due to usage, weight, foot growth, foot surgery and lack of care. Your orthotic shell is :
- Semi-rigid shell 3 year lifespan
- Soft shell 1-3 year lifespan
Most orthotics can accommodate up to two size change in growing children. Adjustments for size will not be charged unless the top cover requires changing.
We require an appointment in order to service your orthotic properly. Most adjustments or repair work can be done in a timely manner.
Additional Information
- Orthotic Cleaning and Care
- Use a mild soap and damp cloth to clean the cover and underside of your orthotic.
- Always allow your orthotics to air dry.
- Orthotics should be removed from damp shoes at night.
- Materials that are worn through should be replaced as soon as possible.
- Remove sand and grit from shoes. It is abrasive on the orthotics, decreasing their lifespan.
Follow Up
In order to ensure your satisfaction we can follow-up with your initial condition, if required, within the first year, at no further charges.
Individuals that require review of an original condition or injury after one year of their original assessment will require a review appointment. And will be subject to applicable charges.
New conditions or injuries that occur must be fully assessed and there may be a charge for this appointment.
Sport Specific Assessments
Assessments for “Sport Specific Evaluation” such as Cycling / Bike set-up or Ski Stance require enhanced assessment techniques for the particular sport. A separate appointment is required and an additional fee applies.